The body is an amazing machine, but it can break down due to injury and overuse. Thanks to advancements in medical materials and surgical techniques, joint replacement surgeries are now being done in greater numbers than ever before. The most common full joint replacement surgeries are done on the knee, hip, and shoulder. And with…
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Can Hypothyroidism Cause Knee Pain?
Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that causes the thyroid gland to produce insufficient amounts of crucial hormones. These hormones help regulate a variety of bodily functions. When the thyroid gland does not produce enough of them, a cascade of symptoms including obesity, heart disease, constipation, fatigue, thinning hair, depression, and infertility can happen. However, hypothyroidism…
What is Hip Impingement?
A femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), more commonly known as a hip impingement, occurs with abnormal wear and tear between the ball and socket of the hip joint. When your hip is impinged, you can expect increased friction that continues to damage the joint; when tis happens you can expect pain, even when at rest or sitting…
8 Common Causes of Knee Pain
Knee pain can not only make it difficult for you to move around and be active, but it can also make regular, small tasks incredibly painful. While some people experience knee pain from a traumatic injury, for many others it just gradually develops due to normal wear-and-tear over many years. Pain in the knee can…
The Benefits of Viscosupplementation
Osteoarthritis is a painful and prevalent condition, affecting more than 30 million people in the US. It occurs in joints, causing degeneration of the joint over time due to wear-and-tear. Osteoarthritis breaks down the cartilage in your joint, which cushions bones to prevent bone-to-bone friction. This bone-to-bone contact can cause pain and make walking or…