When it comes to sports injuries, one of the most common has to do with the knees. Of the estimated sports injuries each year in the United States, 200,000 are related to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and an estimated 95,000 of those injuries are ACL ruptures, but not all of these are kid injuries,…
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PRP Therapy for Knee Pain
How does the body heal itself? The answer can be both mysterious and fascinating, and with that knowledge comes an invaluable medical offering. Increasing medical research is looking towards regenerative medicine and its potential to kickstart and enhance the body’s own healing powers to address pain. For knee pain, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy offers the…
Ultrasound Guided Injections for Sports Medicine
Professional and amateur athletes alike can suffer joint injuries from an unfortunate hit, twist, or turn; or even from repetitive and strenuous use. Joints are resilient but also quite complex, and they can be damaged in the course of pursuing activities that push your body to its limits. The field of sports medicine specializes in…
Can Stem Cell Therapy Help with Hip Pain?
If you suffer from hip pain, you are not alone. As people are living longer and staying more active, arthritis of the hip is a common condition. It is estimated that 28 million Americans are currently living with osteoarthritis. As weight-bearing joints, hips are one of the most common joints to develop osteoarthritis, or “wear…
How Regenerative Medicine Can Help Your Ligaments and Tendons
Pain happens. As we get older, the parts of the body that were resilient (and still growing) in our youth don’t heal quite as well as they used to if we suffer an injury. Similarly, adult athletes who use their bodies differently than the average person may experience pain from straining or overuse of certain…