Arthritis pain affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Arthritis actually means inflammation of the joints, and it encompasses a large group of diseases that all cause pain and swelling of the joints. Types of arthritis and common symptoms There are many different types of arthritis. The most common types of adult arthritis include: Osteoarthritis…
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Treating a Dislocated Shoulder
A dislocated shoulder is painful and requires treatment. Your shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints in your body. It can move and rotate in many different directions – but it’s this very flexibility that makes it one of the easiest joints to dislocate. The shoulder works as a ball and socket joint….
The Different Types of Knee Tests Your Orthopedist Performs
Knee problems can have a major impact on your life. They can limit your mobility and have a negative impact on essential day-to-day activities such as walking, running, kneeling, and standing. Orthopedists (doctors who specialize in bones, muscles, and joints) have a battery of tests available to them for the diagnosis of knee problems. In…
Injuries and Conditions Causing Hip Pain
At any age, hip pain can make it uncomfortable to perform everyday tasks such as walking, sitting, standing, or climbing stairs. Hip pain can also keep you from playing sports and leading an active lifestyle. Your hip is the joint where your thighbone (femur) joins your pelvis. There are two main parts to the hip:…
Most Common Knee Procedures
Whether your injury is related to an accident or it has just developed over time from overuse, knee injuries can affect everyone differently. Skiing, soccer, and football are all sports that commonly have a higher chance for knee injury. But just because you’re not a pro baller or hitting the slopes, you still could be…