Arthritis pain affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Arthritis actually means inflammation of the joints, and it encompasses a large group of diseases that all cause pain and swelling of the joints. Types of arthritis and common symptoms There are many different types of arthritis. The most common types of adult arthritis include: Osteoarthritis…
Stem Cell Therapy
Taking the Mystery Out of Stem Cell therapy
Plenty of people still think of stem cells as mysterious, or even taboo. They are simply cells that make or replenish other cells. For example, when you donate blood, your stem cells are in charge of replenishing your blood cells. Scientists have found stem cells throughout the body, each doing an assigned job. Some replenish…
Stem Cell Therapy, A New Frontier
Over the years, stem cell therapy has become a phenomenon, and over the last few years’ awareness about the effectiveness of the procedure has grown significantly. As a result, other specialists and non-specialists are catching on, making certain types of cellular therapy available within their own practices. A doctor’s job is to offer their patients…