Your knee is a very complex joint and has a big responsibility, which is to carry your body weight day in and day out. Whether you are getting out of bed, sitting down to eat, standing in the shower, or heading off to work, your knees make these activities possible. That is why knee pain…
Knee Pain treatment near me
5 Exercises for Knee Pain
If you are experiencing knee pain, you may think it counterintuitive to exercise. However, gentle and specific knee exercises are usually recommended when treating most conditions that cause pain in the knees. It’s therefore important to know the difference between the right kind of exercise and the wrong kind for a hurting knee. Let’s talk…
What is Plica Syndrome?
There are many possible causes of knee pain in people with active lifestyles. Most people assume the cause of their pain is a sprain, strain, or fracture. One condition they don’t consider is plica syndrome. The plica is fibrous tissue, specifically a fold, located in the lining of the knee joint that functions as an…
When Should I See a Doctor for Knee Pain?
The knee is one of the few joints in the body that allows for a wide range of motion. To perform these movements, the knees utilize a complex system of bones, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. And because force and impact are placed on the knee every time we take a step, this system is…