Knee pain is a very commonly reported issue. According to research, it affects about 25% of adults, causing limited joint mobility and function. Experiencing chronic knee pain may have you thinking about its cause and ways to prevent it – and who better to answer such concerns than an orthopedic doctor. Dr. William Hefley, our…
Orthopedic Surgeon near me
Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Choosing an Orthopedic Surgeon
Like any type of medical treatment, the success of orthopedic interventions significantly hinges on the clinical acumen and skills of the surgeon. It goes without saying that it’s imperative that when you choose an orthopedic surgeon, you consider one who is equipped with both of these attributes. Nonetheless, there are many other important factors that…
Should I Consider Orthopedic Surgery?
If you suffer from musculoskeletal pain or an injury and have been recommended to an orthopedic doctor, here is what you can expect. Your orthopedic doctor will provide an accurate diagnosis of your condition or injury. They will order diagnostic tests to pinpoint the problem with your musculoskeletal system. Depending on your symptoms and diagnosis,…
Common Running Injuries and Prevention Tips
Running is a great way to work up a sweat, burn calories, and build strong muscles. Ideally, anyone who runs should just keep running without sustaining an injury. However, there is a risk of injury from running, as with any high-impact activity. The hips, lower back, shins, knees, feet, and ankles are at the highest…
Tips for a Successful Recovery from Orthopedic Surgery
As with any other type of surgery, the success of an orthopedic procedure lies in the hands of not only the surgeon but also the patient. Even with the development of minimally invasive orthopedic procedures, which allow for a faster recovery, navigating the phase still requires patience, diligence, self-discipline, and adherence to the doctor’s orders….